
Thursday, September 16, 2021

We Lost a Legend--Romeo


Romeo 2013

It is with great sadness that we share the passing of the sweetest cat at the Riverfront colony who got along with all the other cats.  

Romeo just relaxing-Nov 2013

Romeo had developed dental disease (a sign when the tongue starts to stick out) and the infection coupled with his FIV caused him to lose weight, discolor his coat and slowly deteriorate. Thanks to a kind resident, she offered to provide hospice care for his remaining weeks. He was estimated to be about 13 to 14 years old. Not bad for an outdoor cat with FIV. (Feline AIDS).

Romeo resting in his tee pee bed

Romeo was loved by everyone who met him. Especially the security guards of the neighboring condos who interacted with him daily. He was a cool cat, laid back and loved to rub on your legs.  He often would meow just to say hello, wanting affection, not food. He was a true gentlecat. 

Romeo we fed you and cared you for the past 12 years. Your meows and tender looks and affectionate ways are missed by everyone who met you.  You were such a joy and taught us so much about the essence of community cats. Now you are over the rainbow bridge with your great love Aurora, and the other Riverfront cats who have passed on Lion King, Cosette, Fanny, Sinbad, Mama, Gabriel, Sabrina, Muki, Scotty, Missy, Master & Zeke. We know you are together running freely, having a grand time. As you should.

You were the heart of the Riverfront community. The Riverfront will never be the same. 

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